Alondra Vega-Zaldivar
Grant Writer
I know that Grant Writing can be one of the most frustrating 'necessary evils' that we as artists must master if we are to survive in the arts in Canada. Not only are they long and intimidating, but the questions seem to repeat themselves and have a specific character/ word count. Then you also have to come up with a Budget that THEY will like, with contingency plan that promises to keep the project alive if governmental funding fails.
I know it can feel like a lot. But Fear Not!
Thanks to the shows I've curated, organized and produced, I've been getting REALLY good at Grant Writing!
In 2020 I was successful with Canada Council for the Arts on the Research and Creation Grant. This year alone I was granted a Recommender Grant and also a Commissioning Grant from the Ontario Arts Council. And although not funded, I did get a recommendation with the Canada Council for the Arts in the Concept to Realization grant.
Not only have I found that I am decent at writing Grants, I actually LIKE writing them!
So I am offering my services to those seeking advice and help:
* Giving a (free) read to what you've written and checking for clarity and spelling mistakes
* Editing any of the Grant questions to make a stronger point in each
* Coaching you through the questions and help you understand what each is looking for - this means we would be working on the Grant together
* Writing the Grant for you.
Simply fill out the form with details about your project and which grant you are looking into and I will give you a quote.